Friday, November 13, 2009


I continue to enjoy my writing hobby. Entered four stories in the Idaho Writer League 2008 contest and won a third place and two honorable mentions. Our Sandpoint Chapter is creating a "CHAP" book and I have entered my story "New Years Eve" which won the first place award in the 2006 story of the year local contest.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


We joined the Evergreen Tandem Club in a wine tour of Yakama. A highlight included attending the Mustange car club Convention at the local park. We had the oldest Tandem in the group. We may not be able to keep up on the bike but we are still ahead when it comes to wine consumption!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


We just returned from Vancouver Canada where we participated in the 2009 games. Over 10,000 atheletes from more than 50 Nations. I won a bronze medal in the over 70 years of age competition for horseshoe pitch. Certainly a thrill of a life time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Although I do not accept money for any of my writing efforts, I do enjoy trading for the products of other people's hobby. These creations are my "labor of love" museum which includes, wood work, knitted items, music, and other books. My novel "Landa" is the most RED book. I have a number of plays on CD for listening. Only rule, nothing illegal, imoral, or fattening, (no food). If you have something to trade, make me an offer, and I'll send you a book etc.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The latest water toy is a kayak. When one lives on the water, boats are part of the dress code. I stay close to shore and ride only in calm water. The Kayak is much faster than our paddle boat.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


May 19, a group met at my home to read the play on tape. This is a re-do of the play done many years ago. Plans are to make new CDs of this play and then see about directing it as a stage play. The setting is a bar, and I can use the STAGE RIGHT Wine Bar for staging. Anyone interesting in playing a part should make contact. The plot is a take off from the chapter "Frankie" in the novel "Landa"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My play "Hell Froze Over" is now on CDs. It is a Romantic Comedy dealing with faith. It does poke fun at traditional religion but intended to be amusing. Hope no one takes any of it seriously.